Author Interview – Alexandra Gavranovic – young adult dystopian

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Book Details:

​Book Title:  DECEPTION IS OUR REMEDY by Alexandra Gavranovic
Category:  YA Fiction (Ages 13-17),  412 pages
GenreYA dystopian; YA survival stories; Sci-fi Fantasy
PublisherDumetella Press
Release date:  March 2024
Content Rating:  PG: Some minimal fight scenes and acts of violence

Book Description:

What if everything you thought you knew about the world – and yourself – was a lie? What would you do?

For 17-year-old Callista, growing up in a world stripped of all its color after the great climate crisis, every day looks the same in her Neighborhood. There are no other kids her age except for her best friend, Reggie. There are no events or activities. And there is no leaving. Cal rarely even steps outside her house except to pick up the month’s worth of dry, rationed food courtesy of the Government or for her routine trip to the doctor, which always leaves her feeling groggy and depleted.

And while she knows that she should just accept this life, she can’t help but wonder if there is something she isn’t being told. From whispered conversations she overhears of her parents to nightmares that feel more like memories jarring her awake in the middle of the night, Cal finally decides to find out for herself if there is something beyond the towering gates of her Neighborhood. Something that can provide answers.

But what she finds is more shocking than she could have imagined. When a giant floating object of immense light transports her to an abandoned city, Cal meets more people her age who also grew up in Neighborhoods. And, like the orb of light she can suddenly summon with her mind, these other people are also gifted with special abilities.

Before she can determine what is going on, they are all herded to a special Academy for the gifted, where they will learn to hone their abilities with other students just like them.

​But as Cal unravels her nightmares, everything she thought she knew about her former life starts to rip at the seams. And, as she spends more time with her fellow students in the Academy, she begins to wonder if she really escaped the Neighborhood at all.

Deception is Our Remedy is a fast-paced, dystopian adventure that will leave you guessing at every turn.

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Meet the Author:

Alexandra Gavranovic lives in Georgia where she is studying Public Relations. She has been writing and crafting stories since she was a young girl, and enjoys the process of being creative. When she’s not studying for her college classes, Alix enjoys spending time with her two cats and her dog, reading dystopian novels, and playing video games. She is also an avid pianist with 12 years of experience. Deception Is Our Remedy is her first published novel.

connect with the author: website instagram tiktok goodreads

Author Interview – Alexandra Gavranovic

When did you first know you wanted to be an author? 

I remember when I was little, constantly coming up with ideas for stories but only ever writing a few paragraphs. I wrote my first short story in elementary school, but it wasn’t well-developed. As I grew older and started to read more, my desire to write grew as well. I think it was around age 14 that I really knew that I wanted to be an author. Since then, I have written more than I ever thought possible and grown immensely in my craft! 

When you are not writing, what other hats do you wear? What do you do for fun?

When I am not writing, I usually work on whatever I have to for my college classes. When I want to have fun, I enjoy playing piano, baking, reading, and video games!

What is your favorite genre to read? What about that genre draws you?

My favorite genre to read is dystopian fiction. I love dystopian fiction because there are so many ways to be creative with it. You can add fantasy aspects or lean into the more sci-fi realms. There is often a load of mystery and intrigue, which interests me!

What is your dream vacation destination? Why?

My dream vacation destination would probably have to be Switzerland! The landscapes there are absolutely stunning, and I would thoroughly enjoy exploring them. There is just so much beauty everywhere you look—it’s mesmerizing! 

Who did you have in mind as you wrote the book?

As I wrote my book, I was the person at the forefront of my mind. Rather, my younger self, who always dreamt to write and publish a novel but never thought I could do it. Well, now I have, and I no longer feel so intimidated!

As a former K-12 school librarian, I have to ask – what is your favorite children’s book?

When I think back to the books I read as a child, the ones that stand out the most are probably the Judy Bloom books. My mother was a fan of them when she was little and passed them on to me. I think they are good stories about growing up and the issues young kids face.

What advice would you give to a child or teen who wants to be a writer?

As a teen who wanted to become a writer, I would advise other teenagers and/or children who want to write never to give up. Whenever you come up with ideas, write them down! Try to expand on them however you can, and don’t force yourself into a certain niche. It’s hard not to worry if your story is good, unique, or captivating enough, but you can’t let your doubt get in the way. The best way to become a writer is to do what’s in the word–write! Let your creativity flow, and you’ll get there.

Thank you so much for joining me today. My readers and I enjoy learning more about the authors behind the books.

Views expressed in this interview/guest post do not necessarily reflect the views of this blog host.

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