Author Interview – E.V. Sparrow – historical fiction

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About the Book

Book: Muldoon’s Minnesota Darling, a Novella

Author: E.V. Sparrow

Genre: Historical fiction

Release Date: May 10, 2023

A heartsore widower with hidden fears and little faith…
The naïve daughter of a farmer guarding a repulsive secret…
A township unaware of the hidden menace amongst them…

Heartbroken from losing his family and his farm, Mick Muldoon is hopeful as he emigrates to America with his siblings. All he finds is despair and no work. Were America’s rumored promises of plenty all lies? Would God ever hear and answer his prayers?

Seventeen-year-old Shauna McGann is determined to marry Mick Muldoon despite her mother’s objections. His past and his limp might repulse others, but not her. What burdens Shauna is her terrible secret – a secret she promised her friends she would keep. Now Shauna needs help and protection. Could she trust Mick, or will she lose everything by telling him?

Will Mick finally be free of loss and find success in America? Will Shauna overcome her fears and finally feel safe?

In this Muldoon’s Misfortunes prelude novella, author E.V. Sparrow creates a provoking tale of flickering faith and enduring hope through an emigrant’s efforts to adapt, and a young woman’s unprejudiced love.

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author – E. V. Sparrow

E.V. Sparrow is a short story writer turned novelist. Her readers encounter God’s unexpected presence through her character’s escapades. Her own adventures she wrote about involved traveling in over twenty countries. Sparrow lived on an Israeli kibbutz, worked for the U.S. Army in Bavaria, and hopped a freight train for a weekend.

A highlight for Sparrow is when Guideposts and Bethany House Publishers accepted four of her anthologized stories before she signed a 3-book historical fiction series contract with Celebrate Lit Publishing.

Her father’s family’s immigration from Ireland, their letters and documents, and some family stories inspired her current historical fiction novels.

In E.V.’s personal and church life, she ministered through prayer, worship, mission teams, and in Divorce Care and Singles. California native relocated to North Carolina, E.V. Sparrow and her husband enjoy family time with their grandchildren and exploring their new state.

More from E.V. Sparrow

I’m writing books inspired by my father’s family because they believed in God but wrestled with their faith. Faith doesn’t come easy for every believer. We grapple with intimacy with God, but does God battle with us?

My oldest brother shared some stories of our great-grandfather, who emigrated here after losing his wives and children in Ireland. Yes, at least two families. I wondered, how could a suffering heart and soul survive those losses? Our great-grandfather’s inner turmoil didn’t change once he resettled in America. I read letters he wrote to his son—our grandfather and sifted through family photos. Certain aspects from the timeline of great-grandfather’s life fashioned my main character, Mick Muldoon. Mick encountered God’s unexpected presence several times without recognizing it.

Thinking through a Scripture verse, 1 Corinthians 13:13, (NIV) “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love,” reveals what remains when all else we are accustomed to is gone. I assume hope is as powerful as faith and love. It’s a triangle of strength for us until it goes wobbly. What happens when one or two of the three stabilizers are weaker than the others? Wounded, confused, and resilient characters named Mick, Orla, and Liam Muldoon.

An Author Interview with EV Sparrow

When you are not writing, what other hats do you wear? What do you do for fun? I enjoy hiking, kayaking, crafts, and antiquing. I don’t have much time for those, so I go walking in “Sparrow Woods” outside my door, visit my daughter and grand girls, and read on the weekends.

What is your favorite genre to read? What about that genre draws you? I enjoy many! Cozy mysteries, romantic suspense, historical fiction, and Regency. The first three can include action, and the Regency era is pure fun.

What is your favorite holiday? And why? Probably everyone says Christmas. I’m the same. First, because we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, next, I’m someone who had childhood Christmases that were so much fun, even without tons of gifts. We typically each received five, and then treats in our stockings. Mama made it fun with her decorations, music, the huge Sears and JC Penny catalogs, and family outings to Christmas events. My parents took us to Midnight Mass, so we stayed up late! All my delightful memories enforced love for Christmas.

What is your current WIP?  What can you tell us about it? My prequel novella is on this book tour, Muldoon’s Minnesota Darling. Muldoon’s Misfortunes is Book 1 in my 3-book series called, Those Resilient Muldoons. That’s right, they’re all about the Irish family of Muldoons! Mick is the main character in the novella and Book 1. His sister, Orla, has her own story in Book 2, and Mick’s oldest son, Liam, shares his life in Book 3. They all struggle with their faith in God, hope for the future, and love that disappoints. 

Here’s a peek at the back cover copy of Muldoon’s Minnesota Darling: 

A heartsore widower with hidden fears and little faith…
The naïve daughter of a farmer guarding a repulsive secret…
A township unaware of the hidden menace amongst them…

Heartbroken from losing his family and his farm, Mick Muldoon lost his second family and farm but is hopeful as he emigrates to America with his siblings. All he finds is despair and no work. Were America’s rumored promises of plenty all lies? Would God ever hear and answer his prayers?

Seventeen-year-old Shauna McGann is determined to marry Mick Muldoon despite her mother’s objections. His past and his limp might repulse others, but not her. What burdens Shauna is her terrible secret – a secret she promised her friends she would keep. Now Shauna needs help and protection. Could she trust Mick, or will she lose everything by telling him?

Will Mick finally be free of loss and find success in America? Will Shauna overcome her fears and finally feel safe?

In this Muldoon’s Misfortunes prelude novella, author E.V. Sparrow creates a provoking tale of flickering faith and enduring hope through an emigrant’s efforts to adapt, and a young woman’s unprejudiced love.

What advice would you give to a child or teen who wants to be a writer? Read all the books in the genres you like and keep writing every story you imagine! I believe authors begin as children. Reading introduces the power of imagination with fiction and teaches clear communication. We practice writing like we do a sport or learning a musical instrument—lots of repetition makes perfection possible. Pray for God to guide you. Join writing groups or critique groups for your age, or with your parent who will accompany you. In one of my writer’s organizations, several teens did that, submitted short stories, and got published! Start small with stories and articles, then write longer works as you learn the craft and improve. Before much time passes, you will see results.

Thank you so much for joining us today. My audience and I enjoy learning more about authors.

Views expressed in this interview/guest post do not necessarily reflect the views of this blog host.

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 23

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, January 24 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, January 25

Bizwings Book Blog, January 26

Sylvan Musings, January 27 (Author Interview)

An Author’s Take, January 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 28

A Reader’s Brain, January 29 (Author Interview)

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, January 30

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, January 31 (Author Interview)

Life on Chickadee Lane, February 1

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 2

By The Book, February 3 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 3

For Him and My Family, February 4

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, February 5 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, E.V. is giving away the grand prize package of an eBook copy of Muldoon’s Minnesota Darling and an Amazon $50 gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

9 thoughts on “Author Interview – E.V. Sparrow – historical fiction

  1. I appreciate the interview! I’d say my eBook is for readers over 16, due to some difficult subjects surrounding illness, death, and other challenges for adults that I address.

    1. Thanks for joining my blog today. And thanks for the clarification on age appropriateness. I’m sure that information will help my readers.

    1. I did read a review saying this story is sunshine and roses. That doesn’t fit the entire description. It addresses challenging subjects as well. Thanks for asking!

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