Author Interview – Lorena M. Proia – picture book

Guide to Categories – Author Interview – an interview with an author, if there is no review from me, I have not read the book and cannot speak to its appropriateness for a school library

Book Details:

Book Title:  How to Make a Sandwich by Lorena M. Proia
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7), 32 pages
Genre:  Children’s Picture Book
Publisher:  Lorena M. Proia
Release date:   December 2023
Content Rating:  G.  It’s appropriate for children

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“A beautifully illustrated story that children and caregivers alike will savor.” — Kirkus Reviews (starred review)How to Make a Sandwich is a delightful celebration of the simple pleasures of childhood. Its themes of family, creativity, and perseverance, combined with the humorous, slice-of-life narrative, make this charming story sure to delight young readers and their caregivers alike.” — The Children’s Book Review

“Oh, my goodness! How to Make a Sandwich is Adorable. I love everything about this children’s book—the story, the message, and the charming illustrations!”  Cover Lover Book Review

Book Description:
Making a sandwich is fun and easy! And Rae knows just how to do it. The bread is like the parents, it keeps the sandwich safe and happy. The turkey is the love, the lettuce is the fun. But every time Rae adds an ingredient, it disappears, and she soon realizes there is a sandwich-stealing thief intent on eating her creation!​Will Rae ever get to eat her lunch? Suddenly making a sandwich isn’t so easy after all!

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Meet the Author – Lorena M. Proia:

When Lorena graduated years ago with a BFA in Graphic Design and Painting, she never imagined she’d become an Information Architect in high-tech. She thought her creativity was lost until she was rescued by an Australian Shepherd named Phebe. Inspired by Phebe’s antics, Lorena started drawing again, leading to the creation of Phebe-n-Me, a t-shirt company that eventually blossomed into a children’s book!

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Author Interview with Lorena M. Proia

When did you first know you wanted to be an author?

It sort of crept up on me. When I brought my first dog, Phebe, home, I started writing humorous emails to my friends about the trials and tribulations of being a first-time dog owner to a very smart, very ingenious dog. My friend Linda would always say, “You have to write a book!” but I never took her seriously. These funny emails became a way to lighten the mood with my co-workers, and I began writing short essays on experiences like trying my first yoga class. I just loved making people laugh! Then, after Phebe died, I wanted to share her story, mostly because it allowed me to be with her again in my imagination. Somehow, my stories and drawings merged and became a children’s book.

When you are not writing, what other hats do you wear? What do you do for fun?

At work, I’m an Information Architect and User Experience designer. I’m also a graphic designer for friends and family. My other hats include dog trainer, cat slave, and horse groomer. I’m a horse groomer because I’m a terrible rider, but I love my horse! For fun, I garden and compete in Dog Agility with my Australian Shepherds.

What is your favorite genre to read? What about that genre draws you?

I love fiction. When well written, it’s like watching a movie in my head. I get so drawn in and completely absorbed, making it a wonderful escape.

What is your vacation destination? Why?

Italy! My mother’s family still lives there, so visiting isn’t exactly a vacation by strict standards, but it fills my heart with love and I’m not working…so it counts! Plus, there’s a small house in a tiny village in the Apennine Mountains, far from everything. It’s where my mother grew up, and her family home is still there. It’s not touristy at all, and it’s always fun to navigate the winding roads with my father’s ancient car with a standard transmission, trying to blend in (never works) and be a local at the Mercato or stores.

Who did you have in mind as you wrote the book?

I didn’t have any particular audience in mind. I really wanted to share Phebe with people and make them laugh. I also wanted adults to enjoy reading it too.

As a former K-12 school librarian, I have to ask—what is your favorite children’s book?

Do I have to pick just one? It’s hard to choose a favorite because I have such fond memories with several books. If I had to choose one, it would be Lorenzo the Fish by Bernard Webber. It’s the first book I chose myself from those Scholastic order forms at school. I believe it’s out of print now, but I identified with the little fish because he was named Lorenzo, my father’s nickname for me, and he gets lost because he’s not paying attention as his school of fish swims away. 

That was me as a child—always lost in my thoughts or play, suddenly realizing everyone had moved on and I was still there. But it’s tough because Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne was my heart. I had a stuffed Winnie the Pooh that I loved and took everywhere. I adored all the stories. Then there are the Richard Scarry books, Harry the Dirty Dog, Clifford the Big Red Dog…I could go on!

I agree. There are a lot of great kids’ books out there. 

What advice would you give to a child or teen who wants to be a writer?

Write what you love and write for the pure enjoyment of it. Don’t worry about what anyone thinks while you’re writing, but when it’s time, listen to criticism or advice and be open to improving. It may sound contradictory, but it’s not. The work needs to come from a deep place in your heart, creating a beautiful, glittering rock. With help from others, by taking their advice and refining your work, you can polish that rock into a shiny gemstone.

Thank you so much for joining us today Lorena – it is always fun to learn more about authors.

Views expressed in this interview/guest post do not necessarily reflect the views of this blog host.

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