YA Review – A Storm of Doubts – young adult mystery

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About the Book

Book: A Storm of Doubts

Author: JPC Allen

Genre: YA cozy mystery

Release date: March 1, 2024

Her dad said nothing could hurt their relationship. But what if he isn’t her dad?

Summer gets off to a rocky start for twenty-year-old Rae Riley when the ex-wife of family friend Jason Carlisle claims their youngest child isn’t his and Rae’s con man uncle Troy returns to Marlin County, Ohio. Rae is already at odds with her father, Sheriff Walter “Mal” Malinowski, over her desire to help people in trouble. When she extends that help to Troy and Jason’s ex-wife, Ashley, she and Mal clash even more.

Then Ashley disappears, and Jason and his brother Rick are the main suspects. As Rae and her aunt Carrie, a private investigator hired to protect Jason’s kids, work to discover what really happened to Ashley, Rae wrestles with Troy’s insinuations that she may be calling the wrong Malinowski “Dad.”

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My YA Review

Allen, JPC. A Storm of Doubts. Georgetown, TN: Mt. Zion Ridge Press, 2023.

A Rae Riley Mystery

JPC Allen has done it again with another great Rae Riley Mystery for young adults. In A Storm of Doubts Rae meets some of the more notorious members of her extended family. Her Uncle Troy is a con man. Ashley is the ex-wife of a family friend who appears to be in a bad relationship, but is “trouble” herself since she deserted her husband and their 3 children. Rae has the gift of mercy and tends to believe the best in people, even when warned about individuals. She gets into a little bit of trouble when trying to help these two individuals.I really loved how Gram helped Rae learn to temper her mercy with wisdom. 

Allen does a really good job with character development in the story. Rae learns to trust her relationship with her earthly father while relying on her heavenly Father. Her Dad learns how to better trust Rae who has only been in his life for a short time. Aunt Carrie learns how to better get along with her brother, Rae’s dad. I appreciated the periodic “popcorn prayers” Rae offers up to help her get through the situations she faces. 

A Storm of Doubts is the perfect addition to the high school section of a K-12 Christian school library. This young adult mystery is appropriate for older middle schoolers and high schoolers. I think adults would enjoy it as well.

I received a complimentary copy of  A Storm of Doubts. This is my honest review.

About the Author – JPC Allen

JPC Allen started her writing career in second grade with an homage to Scooby Doo. She’s been tracking down mysteries ever since. Her Christmas mystery “A Rose from the Ashes” was the first Rae Riley mystery and a Selah-finalist at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in 2020. Her first Rae Riley novel, A Shadow on the Snow, released in 2021. Online, she offer tips and prompts to ignite the creative spark in every kind of writer. She also leads workshops for tweens, teens and adults, encouraging them to discover the adventure of writing. Coming from a long line of Mountaineers, she’s a life-long Buckeye.

More from JPC Allen

Readers Deserve a Reward

I may be unusual, or just plain weird, but thinking of my ending first is the common way I approach a new story. It seems to help me to know my destination before I set out on the adventure of writing a story. I can take any number of routes to reach my destination and wandering around and exploring detours is a lot of the fun of writing. But by keeping my destination in mind, I don’t get lost. Or at least, not easily.

The other thing I keep in mind about my ending is that it’s a reward for the reader. I’m relatively new to publishing and not well known. So when readers take a chance on one of my stories, I believe it’s my job to reward their risk with an atypical, satisfying ending. Now I do work hard to make the whole story satisfying with things like an attention-grabbing opening and tension-building scenes. But endings, I think, are special to readers. This is the part that lingers in their minds when they close the book–whether it’s a sense of satisfaction, like the pleased feeling you have after a delicious meal, or anger or exasperation because the ending let them down.

I work to make all parts of the ending satisfying–the climax, denouement or wrap-up, and the last lines. For the climax, readers of my mysteries deserve more thant just the good guys solving the puzzle and catching the bad guy. I plan an action-packed, suspenseful climax that has readers living the final confrontation with the main character and it resolves itself in a way that, I hope, surprises readers.

Denouements are so critical to mysteries, when the detective explains how he solved the case. But they can also be deadly dull because the explanation needs to be thorough to meet the expectations of mystery fans. So in A Storm of Doubts, I split up the explanation–a lot of it is revealed during the climax, so I don’t bore readers by piling up a discussion of the solution in one chapter.

The final scene and last lines are areas I spend a good deal of thought on. Even if this scene was my inspiration for the entire story, how it plays in my head and how it plays on the page are two very different things. I also think the last scene and lines have a certain rhythm to them, like the final bars of a song. My job is make the scene round off the story without staying too long in it.

So when you read A Storm of Doubts, I’d love to know what you think of the ending. Because you do deserve a reward.

Blog Stops

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For the Love of Literature, May 15 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 16

Vicky Sluiter, May 17 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, JPC is giving away the grand prize package of all four books in the Rae Riley mystery series, a $25 Amazon gift card, and an Ohio tumbler with lid filled with buckeye candies!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


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9 thoughts on “YA Review – A Storm of Doubts – young adult mystery

  1. This looks like an awesome series. Thanks for sharing and hosting this tour.

    1. Here are the other titles in the series. It starts with the Christmas short story “A Rose from the Ashes” in the collection Christmas fiction off the beaten path. Then A Shadow on the Snow. In Ohio Trail Mix: Adventures and Inspiration Along the Ohio Literary Trail, there’s a bonus story called “Bovine.”

    1. It was really fun to work on with the cover designer. We couldn’t find just the right photos, so she used AI to generate several images and then layered them together.

    1. I don’t do angsty teens. Many authors cover that. I try to make Rae different because many teens don’t fit the angsty or rebellious mold.

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