Author Interview – Naomi Craig and Donna E. Lane

And Their Numbers Grew JustRead Blog Tour

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Welcome to the Blog Tour for And Their Numbers Grew by Naomi Craig & Donna E. Lane, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Title: And Their Numbers Grew
Author: Naomi Craig and Donna E. Lane
Publisher: Bear’s Place Publishing
Release Date: November 7, 2023
Genre: Biblical Historical Fiction

And Their Numbers Grew

Four lives. Four destinies. One gospel.

Fans of Mesu Andrews and Connilyn Cossette will love And Their Numbers Grew.

If you love The Chosen, the story continues in And Their Numbers Grew.

Rumors of the risen Christ spread through Jerusalem like a wildfire—and the Sanhedrin is paying attention.

Their efforts to stifle the name of Jesus only fuel the cause until a young Pharisee gets involved, breathing threats of imprisonment—or worse. Stephen’s brutal stoning accelerates the persecution and sends the faithful fleeing the city for their lives.

They are afflicted in every way, but not crushed. As the fledgling church disperses, their numbers continue to grow. Now, the apostles must train the new believers in the ways and words of Jesus—and what it means to live in God’s Kingdom here on earth.

The Kingdom of God spreads to Damascus, Joppa, Caesarea, Antioch, and Tarsus through the testimonies of Ananias, Tabitha, and Barnabas. While an outraged Saul sets out for Damascus to arrest them all, the followers press on fervently, with the help of the Holy Spirit—though it may cost them their lives.

Four disciples whose lives are intertwined, told in four novellas, chronicling the birth pains of the early church.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub

About the Authors – Naomi Craig and Donna E. Lane

Naomi Craig
Donna E. Lane

Author of Biblical fiction, avid reader, pastor’s wife, Naomi Craig loves reading the Bible and imagining how things were at the time. When she’s not serving in various areas at church or trying to stay on top of mountains of dishes, you’ll most likely find her enjoying a good book and a cup of coffee. Naomi co-hosts #BehindTheStory on YouTube and helps facilitate Biblical Fiction Aficionados Community on Facebook. When not writing or trying to wrangle social media, Naomi attempts to get her rescue dog to be cute on command for the many pics she takes throughout the day.

Connect with Naomi by visiting to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Donna E. Lane is an award-winning, multi-genre author with a passion for exploring all aspects of the human experience. As a Christian counselor and spiritual director, Dr. Lane has dedicated herself to guiding individuals on their spiritual journeys, offering solace and wisdom through her integrated approach. Her 46 years of experience in this field have provided her with insights which she seamlessly weaves into her writing, delving into the complexities of relationships and the depths of the human heart.

With a boundless imagination, a fervent devotion to Jesus, a love for history, and a fascination with time, she crafts stories that resonate deeply with readers, offering the opportunity to embark on unforgettable journeys to other worlds, across time, and into space.

A devoted wife of 44 years and mother of three, she now cherishes her role as a grandmother and mom to her new puppy, a little white furball named Rosie Cotton.

Connect with Donna by visiting to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Author Interview with Naomi Craig and Donna E. Lane

We have a special treat today – an interview with two authors instead of just one. Welcome Naomi and Donna.

When did you first know you wanted to be an author? 

NAOMI: I love finding random trivia bits in the Bible. About 6-7 years ago, I had the thought, “What if one of the un-named spies Rahab hides in Jericho ends up being her Biblical husband, Salmah (mentioned in Ruth). It was at that point I started learning all I could about the craft and getting that story written down.

DONNA: I wrote my first worldbuilding fantasy/mystery book in second grade, a story about five girls who ran around an island continent on another world solving mysteries. In other words, I’ve always loved writing. Being a writer came later, when my youngest son, who was terminally ill with a degenerative neurological disorder, suggested his older brother and I write a book together. The book was published the year before he passed away, so he was able to see it. I’ve been writing in honor of him ever since.

When you are not writing, what other hats do you wear? What do you do for fun?

NAOMI: I’m also a pastor’s wife of a small church. I am on the audio-visual team, work with the teens and kids.  My family has a weekly tradition of  Friday nights we make home-made pizza and homemade icecream and watch a movie together.

DONNA: My “day job” is Christian counselor and spiritual director, which I’ve been doing since 1979 (wow, that’s a long time). I also wear the grandmama hat for two precious grandchildren, and wife to my husband of 44 years. For fun, I love hiking in the mountains, painting, watching movies with my husband, and singing. 

What is your favorite genre to read? What about that genre draws you?

NAOMI: I love Biblical Historical Novels. (BibFic) I enjoy reading BibFic because it helps the Bible to come alive. These are real people making real choices. I love learning about the culture surrounding what we know in the Bible.

DONNA: I’ve always loved the fantasy genre, with the Lord of the Rings trilogy being one of my favorites. I love how these books stimulate my imagination and speak to big themes such as good vs. evil and future unintended consequences from present day choices. 

What is your favorite thing about this time of year?

NAOMI: Getting together with extended family.

DONNA: My husband and grown children (and by extension, their spouses) are Christmas fanatics. My husband starts the Christmas countdown on December 26th and keeps it updated daily throughout the year. We go all-out decorating and choosing the perfect, most meaningful presents for everyone on our list. I love the whole season, but my absolute favorite is the annual Messiah singalong. We’ve done it every year since its inception, except the COVID year when they replayed the prior year’s event online—and my husband and I got on Zoom with our daughter and sang along anyway. 

What historical figure do you admire and why?

NAOMI: I am always drawn to Daniel in the Bible. His decision to follow God shows up every day starting as he is a teen, all the way till he’s an old man getting thrown into the lions’ den.

DONNA: I have a deep respect for C. S. Lewis. The honesty, intelligence, and vulnerability of his writing, both fiction and nonfiction, inspires me. I consider him my primary author role model.

How does your faith play out in your writing?

NAOMI: I am able to dig into the Bible for research. I’m amazed at how relevant the issues in the Bible are even today. The greatest blessing is when my books turn people back to the Bible and strengthen readers faith.

DONNA: My faith is the central focus of all of my writing. Often, I portray my characters’ struggles with questions of faith during suffering as a means of helping readers who are struggling through hardships. My nonfiction books are focused on spiritual direction and growth.

As a former K-12 school librarian(and since this blog is geared toward school librarians) I have to ask – what is your favorite children’s book?

NAOMI: The Penderwick series by Jeanne Birdsall SO. MUCH. FUN!

DONNA: My favorite children’s book is My Dog Can’t Jump by David Lane. And yes, I’m biased, but it is a precious, sweet, and meaningful book about acceptance in the midst of flaws. It reflects how God sees us, with unconditional love. We all need this reminder.

Young Author’s Days were an important part of my work as a school librarian.What advice would you give to a child or teen who wants to be a writer?

NAOMI: Finish writing the book. Be open to feedback. Don’t think you are too young. There are so many options that could help young authors to be published!

DONNA: #1 – READ, #2 – Face your fears and refuse to listen to your inner doubts., #3 – Believe you have something important to say and speak with your own voice.

Thank you so much for joining us today, Naomi and Donna. I enjoyed learning a little bit more about you and I think my readers will as well.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will win a paperback copy of And Their Numbers Grew and a $25 amazon gift card!

And Their Numbers Grew JustRead Blog Tour Giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight December 4, 2023 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on December 11, 2023. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US/CAN only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

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11 thoughts on “Author Interview – Naomi Craig and Donna E. Lane

  1. what a wonderful interview. thanks for sharing with us ladies. I look forward to reading this book

  2. Thank you for sharing your interview, bios and the book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading And Their Numbers Grew

  3. I enjoyed the interview with the two authors and learning more about them. This books sounds like a wonderful collection of biblical fiction stories.

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